About the Ohio Herb Center
One of the Herb Capital of Ohio’s BEST assets is located in the heart of Gahanna! The Ohio Herb Center is the perfect place to experience the world of herbs – gardening, culinary, aromatic, health and wellness. The Nafzger-Miller house (110 Mill St. Gahanna, Ohio 43230), is home to the Herb Center. It is listed in the National Register of Historical Places, with the earliest part of the house dating to 1855. Take a class or workshop on a variety of classes, ranging from Tea Blending and DIY Herbal Cosmetics to Thrifty Herbal Homecare. Or rent the center for a small meeting, baby or wedding shower or group event. Call (614) 642-4372 to learn more.
Meet the Staff
Amanda Ferguson / Ohio Herb Center Senior Coordinator
Amanda’s experience with herbs started in 1996 after she read Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Healing for Women. In 1997 she decided to start making soap after her daughter wasn’t able to use commercial soap. That put her on a path to start her own small soap-making business, Thymeless Apothecary, that she ran for 6 years. She develops classes and instructs at the Ohio Herb Center. One of the great joys of learning herbs is sharing that knowledge. She has created and taught over 25 classes, workshops, and outreach events at the Ohio Herb Center. Currently she is taking courses through the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine.
Amanda has extensive herb gardens at home and loves spending time in the garden. As an outdoor enthusiast, she is also interested in plant ID, taking classes on Native Medicinal Plants at Rural Action, Sovereignty Herbs and United Plant Savers. Amanda is a Certified Ohio Pollinator Advocate, has raised/released monarchs and swallowtail butterflies. She loves to talk and teach about the insects that come to our gardens.
Hannah Kershaw / Ohio Herb Center Coordinator
Hannah has always been an outdoors girl. She’s had interest in different life forms earth offers as long as she can remember. After a career path change from teaching she found that her true passions are placed in the hands on work of growing plants and food. At Clark State College, she earned an Associates of Science in Horticulture. Soil science and insect science were among her favorite classes. While pursuing her studies, she worked at Bell Nursery in Springfield, Ohio, where she managed a program to spread and breed beneficial insect pests while also working in the greenhouse. During her breaks, she practiced her foraging skills on the expansive grounds.
Apart from flora, her relationship with Christ is another significant aspect of her life and loves to be active in her community. She is also an avid tea and nature enjoyer. The idea that food can act as medicine is both a motivating factor for research and her lifestyle. Cooking with a variety of fresh herb, fruits and vegetables is a joy of hers. She is passionate about living a sustainable lifestyle and being aware of the life around her.
Our Mission: The Ohio Herb Center strives to offer a place where people can learn to incorporate herbs into their daily lives to enhance wellness and well being. Whether you are looking for new culinary twists, in-depth gardening advice, wellness information or ideas on how to use your herbs, we offer programs that inspire you to try something new. The Ohio Herb Center is operated and managed by Visit Gahanna (The Gahanna Ohio Convention & Visitors Bureau).